Polyfollia 2012 (i Frankrike) inviterer til internasjonal studietur for festivalarrangører og musikkprodusenter. Her kan du lære hvordan denne unike festivalen blir produsert, du kan delta på en rekke fagseminarer om konsert- og festivalproduksjon, og du kan høre noen av verdens beste vokalensembler.
Polyfollia 2012: 5th World Showcase and Marketplace for Choral Singing
2nd Choral Arts Management Programme - CAMP
(International Study Tour for Choral Managers)
Discover from inside how we work and how we deal with this amazing challenge: Building the unique international showcase and festival of choral art in the world.

You want to discover and practice new ways and new tools to improve?
Come, share and learn with colleagues from all over the world, develop your own international network and take part to this unique event in the world.
Apply for CAMP: the Choral Art Management Programme of Polyfollia and ECA-EC!
Main topics discussed
Read the practical information to know more about the concrete details and to download the application form.
Polyfollia is the biennial reference meeting point and marketplace for the best emerging professional or amateur ensembles and for music promoters & concert organizers involved in this field. Acting as an activist non-profit organization, it aims to promote a cappella choral work at its best, presenting to these promoters as well as to the general audience the largest range of creative choral music: early, contemporary, traditional, jazz, classical, pop, acoustic, amplified… from 4 to 40 singers, and from all regions of the world. At the same time, it is a huge "choral festive party" where hundreds of amateur singers meet and mix. Figures 2010: 49 concerts, 14 selected ensembles from 14 countries / 4 continents, 127 free events (mini‐concerts, workshops…), 52 amateurs choirs, 100 promoters from 22 countries, 41 festival staff + 140 volunteers, general audience 33.000.
The European Choral Association – Europa Cantat (ECA-EC) is the premier European choir organisation, dedicated to education and cultural exchanges among singers of all ages. It is the result of a merger (2011) between Europa Cantat, founded in 1960/1963 and the AGEC, founded in 1955. As European network of choir and conductors' organizations, choirs as well as individual singers, conductors, composers and managers and directly represents today more than 1 million and reaches out to more than 20 million people in over 40 European countries including new and future members of the EU. It offers festivals, singing weeks, youth choirs and training courses all over Europe, including the EUROPA CANTAT Festival organised every three years in another European country and attracting several thousand singers, conductors, composers and managers (next: Torino, Italy, July 2012). More info: www.europeanchoralassociation.org
The cooperation between Polyfollia and ECA-EC was started in 2008 with a first Youth Forum initiated in Caen in cooperation with IFCM, which aimed at discovering and offering training opportunities to choral managers. Then Europa Cantat organized a first Youth Event Management Program in the frame of its festival (Utrecht 2009) — to be continued at its next festival in Turin (2012). Polyfollia organized a first Study Tour for young professionals in 2010, always in cooperation with ECA-EC.
The 2012 CAMP will be lead by Anne-Marie Cretté, board member of Polyfollia and musical advisor of the festival, in cooperation with Sonja Greiner, Secretary General of ECA-EC.
Contact: Hélène LE ROY helene.leroy@polyfollia.org
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