Newsflash, November 2011
The festival in Turin from 27th July to 5th August 2012 will offer more than 50 ateliers with different musical genres for choirs and individual singers of any level. There will also be offers for conductors and composers and training courses for young managers as well as Open Singing, concerts, fringe programmes and much more (more n our Press Release >> here). Are you ready to apply? You can now register online on Those applying before 30th November 2011 will be guaranteed to attend one of the ateliers of their choice!
We are proud to announce that the World Youth Choir will participate at different events in the frame of the Nobel Peace Prize Award in Oslo on December 19th and 11th and will give a solo concert in Oslo University’s Ceremonial Hall on Friday December 9th. More information in the Press Release >> here. / The World Youth Choir session 2012 will be held in Cyprus and will include a tour to Greece and Turkey. Further information on the session and the auditions on
Michal Hájek successful in conductors‘ competition
European Choral Association - Europa Cantat and IMC World Forum on Music
We are proud to report that the Hearts-in-Harmony project in Barcelona was one of the three winners of the IMC Musical Rights Awards 2011, as projected of SCIC (Secretariat de Corals Infantils de Catalunya) nominated by the European Choral Association- Europa Cantat together with the Moviment Coral Català. More in the official Press Release >> here and on our website >> here. The Prize was awarded in the frame of the World Forum on Music of the International and European Music Council (see at which our association was also present with several project presentations, a delegation of representatives from different choral associations and at the infomarket. At the General Assembly following the forum, our Secretary General Sonja Greiner was elected Treasurer of the International Music Council. You will find the full composition of the Board >> here.
Further news on our Association on under the following headlines:Turin welcomes General Assembly with a view to the 2012 festival
ECmagazine 3/2011 available online for members
World Choral Day on December 12th 2011
Bonn greets Turin - Torino Vocal Ensemble and Carlo Pavese in Bonn
European Award for Choral Composers
Composition Competition in association with the European Academy for Conductors in Graz

News from IFCM
The International Federation for Choral Music elected a new Board at the General Assembly in the frame of the 9th World Symposium on Choral Music in Puerto Madryn. Michael Anderson (USA) was elected President, further members on the Executive Board are Leon Tong (Hong Kong, China), Philip Brunelle (USA), Saeko Hasegawa (Japan), Stephen Leek (Australia), Theodora Pavlovitch (Bulgaria) and Hakan Wickström (Finland). For further information see and for the full Board see >> here.
News from Culture Action Europe / We Are More campaign
Culture Action Europe, which held its General Assembly on 19 October 2011 in Brussels, also elected a new Executive Committee with Mercedes Giovinazzo. More on and >> here. The General Assembly discussed further steps for the We Are More campaign which was also mentioned several times during the European Cultural Forum the following days. In November Culture Action Europe published a vacancy announcement for the post of Secretary General. More >> here.
News from Choral Festival Network
Kaie Tanner has been elected President of the Choral Festival Network during the online General Assembly on November 21st and 22nd 2011. Further Board members are Vice-President Jeroen Schrijner, Treasurer Sebastian Pflüger, Secretary General Simonne Cleays as well as Board members Maria Elina Mayorga and Dolf Rabus. More about the Choral Festival Network on
News from Musica International
Musica International is offering a new membership advantage to is member organisations. From January 2012 the individual members and member organsiations of the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat will have privileged access to the Musica Database from the password-protected membership section on our website. More about Musica International on
At the International Competition for Young conductors in Hungary, 29-year old conductor Michal Hájek from Czech Republic won the overall 1st prize as well as the special prize of the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat which consists in an (assistant) conductorship at the EUROPA CANTAT festival in 2015. Michal convinced the jury with his conducting technique and his communication skills. The 2nd prize was won by Ruut Kiiski from Finland, the third prize went to Matteo Valbusa from Italy. >>more
European Choral Association - Europa Cantat and IMC World Forum on Music
We are proud to report that the Hearts-in-Harmony project in Barcelona was one of the three winners of the IMC Musical Rights Awards 2011, as projected of SCIC (Secretariat de Corals Infantils de Catalunya) nominated by the European Choral Association- Europa Cantat together with the Moviment Coral Català. More in the official Press Release >> here and on our website >> here. The Prize was awarded in the frame of the World Forum on Music of the International and European Music Council (see at which our association was also present with several project presentations, a delegation of representatives from different choral associations and at the infomarket. At the General Assembly following the forum, our Secretary General Sonja Greiner was elected Treasurer of the International Music Council. You will find the full composition of the Board >> here.
Further news on our Association on http://www.
ECmagazine 3/2011 available online for members
World Choral Day on December 12th 2011
Bonn greets Turin - Torino Vocal Ensemble and Carlo Pavese in Bonn
European Award for Choral Composers
Composition Competition in association with the European Academy for Conductors in Graz
Concerts and Workshop with Netherlands Youth Choir in Dortmund
European Choral Association - Europa Cantat at different music fairs
Summer Activities 2011European Choral Association - Europa Cantat at different music fairs
News from IFCM
The International Federation for Choral Music elected a new Board at the General Assembly in the frame of the 9th World Symposium on Choral Music in Puerto Madryn. Michael Anderson (USA) was elected President, further members on the Executive Board are Leon Tong (Hong Kong, China), Philip Brunelle (USA), Saeko Hasegawa (Japan), Stephen Leek (Australia), Theodora Pavlovitch (Bulgaria) and Hakan Wickström (Finland). For further information see and for the full Board see >> here.
News from Culture Action Europe / We Are More campaign
Culture Action Europe, which held its General Assembly on 19 October 2011 in Brussels, also elected a new Executive Committee with Mercedes Giovinazzo. More on and >> here. The General Assembly discussed further steps for the We Are More campaign which was also mentioned several times during the European Cultural Forum the following days. In November Culture Action Europe published a vacancy announcement for the post of Secretary General. More >> here.
News from Choral Festival Network
Kaie Tanner has been elected President of the Choral Festival Network during the online General Assembly on November 21st and 22nd 2011. Further Board members are Vice-President Jeroen Schrijner, Treasurer Sebastian Pflüger, Secretary General Simonne Cleays as well as Board members Maria Elina Mayorga and Dolf Rabus. More about the Choral Festival Network on
News from Musica International
Musica International is offering a new membership advantage to is member organisations. From January 2012 the individual members and member organsiations of the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat will have privileged access to the Musica Database from the password-protected membership section on our website. More about Musica International on
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