Sommerkurs for dirigenter ved konservatoriet i Utrecht (Nederland)Kurt Thomas Cursus 2012
From Friday 6th up to and including Saturday 14th July 2012, Utrechts Conservatorium will be organising the Kurt Thomas Cursus for choral conducting. For nine whole days, morning, noon and night will be dominated by singing and conducting. The unique concept of this course will enable everyone to participate on his or her own level. This intensive summer course is open to amateur and (semi) professional choral conductors, either as an active participant or as an auditor.

What will you learn?
The Utrechts Conservatorium Kurt Thomas Cursus is an intensive training that focuses on:
• Conducting technique
• Rehearsal technique
• Vocalization
• Repertoire: new, unknown ánd well-known master pieces, including light music repertoire.
• Conducting technique
• Rehearsal technique
• Vocalization
• Repertoire: new, unknown ánd well-known master pieces, including light music repertoire.
What levels?
The Kurt Thomas Cursus distinguishes various levels, namely A through to D. Each group will form its own choir within the given level. Some levels are open to non-Dutch speaking participants.
More about the course programme and the levels.
More about the course programme and the levels.
For whom?
You are a choral conductor or ambitious to become one. Maybe you have much experience as a choral conductor, maybe little. Maybe you have worked with a chamber choir, a church choir, a pop choir or otherwise. Whatever your experience, in the Kurt Thomas Cursus you will learn the tricks of the trade at your own level and following your own interests.
You can also attend as an auditor. As an auditor you will join in the singing and will watch. Only the active participants will take turns conducting.
You are a choral conductor or ambitious to become one. Maybe you have much experience as a choral conductor, maybe little. Maybe you have worked with a chamber choir, a church choir, a pop choir or otherwise. Whatever your experience, in the Kurt Thomas Cursus you will learn the tricks of the trade at your own level and following your own interests.
You can also attend as an auditor. As an auditor you will join in the singing and will watch. Only the active participants will take turns conducting.
Which teachers?
Teachers in the Kurt Thomas Cursus have sometimes been involved for years. You will meet familiar faces from previous years, but also new teachers. Often, there is teacher from abroad. Without exception they are all teachers who have made their name.
The teachers' team 2012 consisted: Louis Buskens, Frans Huijts (vocal training), Hans Leenders, Harold Lenselink,Erik van Nevel, Fokko Oldenhuis, Servaas Schreuders, and Rob Vermeulen.
The teachers' team 2012 consisted: Louis Buskens, Frans Huijts (vocal training), Hans Leenders, Harold Lenselink,Erik van Nevel, Fokko Oldenhuis, Servaas Schreuders, and Rob Vermeulen.
As a participant, you will receive a personified certificate stating that you have successfully participated in the Utrechts Conservatorium Kurt Thomas Cursus.
Practical information
When: Friday 6th until Saturday 14th July 2012
Extra instruction day on Saturday 2nd of June (morning and afternoon) for repertoire for levels A, B and C. During this instruction day, you will work in small groups on the course repertoire, so that everyone may partcipate in the Kurt Thomas Cursus optimally prepared. You will receive timely information on the required preparation for this instruction day.
Where: Utrechts Conservatorium, Mariaplaats 27/28, 3511 LL Utrecht, the Netherlands
Application: on February 29th at the latest.
Based on the information on the application form, the course leader will determine the final division into groups. This year, there will be no auditions. Please note the address on the application form where it is to be sumitted.
Foreign applicants are required to provide video material. This video material of at least 8 minutes should be of a recent rehearsal or concert, in which you as a conductor are filmed from the front and can thus be clearly observed. This video material is to be submitted by email with either a YouTube link or through WeTransfer.
Repertoire: Click here for more information about the repertoire. This music may be ordered at a given address, at your own costs.
for active participants: €750,- (VAT 0%)
for auditors/observers: €500,- (VAT 0%)
HKU students: €600,- (VAT 0%)
Final Concert: Saturday July 14th. Information about reservations soon to follow.
Extra instruction day on Saturday 2nd of June (morning and afternoon) for repertoire for levels A, B and C. During this instruction day, you will work in small groups on the course repertoire, so that everyone may partcipate in the Kurt Thomas Cursus optimally prepared. You will receive timely information on the required preparation for this instruction day.
Where: Utrechts Conservatorium, Mariaplaats 27/28, 3511 LL Utrecht, the Netherlands
Application: on February 29th at the latest.
Based on the information on the application form, the course leader will determine the final division into groups. This year, there will be no auditions. Please note the address on the application form where it is to be sumitted.
Foreign applicants are required to provide video material. This video material of at least 8 minutes should be of a recent rehearsal or concert, in which you as a conductor are filmed from the front and can thus be clearly observed. This video material is to be submitted by email with either a YouTube link or through WeTransfer.
Repertoire: Click here for more information about the repertoire. This music may be ordered at a given address, at your own costs.
for active participants: €750,- (VAT 0%)
for auditors/observers: €500,- (VAT 0%)
HKU students: €600,- (VAT 0%)
Final Concert: Saturday July 14th. Information about reservations soon to follow.
More information and contact
Should you have any questions, please turn to the project leader, Inge Joldersma, via email:
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